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Your safety is at the forefront of your appointment

There is clearly still a lot of trepidation amongst the public with Covid-19, and rightly so. Thankfully, the infection rates have continued to slow significantly, but unfortunately the number of deaths continue to rip through the hospitals. It is important to spare a thought to all the families devastated by the loss of loved ones, and to also give thanks to all those working relentless hours to help with Covid-19 effort.

Now Head 2 Toe Osteopathy has once again started clinical consultations, your safety is priority. The highest standards of infection control protocols and PPE have continued to be adhered to since face to face consultations resumed in June 2020. These standards are in line with Public Health England.

For your safety and confidence, the following protocols are in place:-

# All patients are required to complete a Covid-19 screening form prior to their appointment.

# A 20-minute lag between patients is in place to fully clean the treatment room and change PPE.

# Your temperature will be taken on arrival.

# Hand sanitiser will be offered on arrival and on departure.

# Osteopath face-mask has been uprated to FFP2.

# Osteopath will continue to wear and dispose of gloves and apron for each patient.

# Patients are encouraged to bring or purchase a Type IIR surgical mask (£1).

# A Dyson air purifier with HEPA filter has been installed in the treatment room.

# The treatment room will be fully ventilated between morning and afternoon sessions.

If you have any concerns then please do get in touch.


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