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Osteopathy for the prevention and treatment of sports injuries
Osteopathy was widely available for athletes during the London and Rio Olympics, and was a medical choice for athletes to help prevent...
Achilles tendon rupture: Conservative Vs surgical management
The Achilles tendon is the strongest in the body, but is frequently injured in mainly the young to middle aged active population. The...
Management of low back disc herniation
A herniated lumbar disc occurs when the material inside is displaced due to trauma or repetitive strain. This can go on to press on...
Acupuncture post total knee replacement surgery
Ko, H.F. et al., (2021) collated all the research surrounding the effectiveness of acupuncture for reducing pain after a total knee...
Godstone Fete 2021
A great day was had over the Bank Holiday weekend, meeting and talking to locals in the surround areas of Godstone and Oxted. It is...
How the attitudes and beliefs of a physical therapist impacts patients with lower back pain
A study conducted by Rufa, A., et al. (2020) looked into how varied approaches to patients with lower back pain impacted their recovery....
Knee osteoarthritis - how to manage it
A study conducted by Marconcin et al., (2016) looked into the best management strategies for living with osteoarthritis of the knee....
Resistance training volume:- Strength and hypertrophy
A study performed by Scoenfeld et al., (2019) researched the muscular adaptations to low-, moderate-, and high-volume resistance training...
Boosting your immune system before Autumn
As we course towards September and children look to head back to school, we all expect coughs and colds to start circulating like...
Rotator Cuff Tendonitis
The rotator cuff is made up of four muscles; Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor and Subscapularis. These muscles are attached via...
Caffeine and exercise performance
Caffeine is the most widely consumed psychoactive substance in the world, and as many as 90% of the western world ingest it on a regular...
Talking therapy shows promise for people with chronic low back pain
A study conducted by BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2015) observed the effectiveness of contextual cognitive behavioural therapy (CCBT)...
Patient review
A very kind review from a patient I help manage with their chronic lower back pain. Chronic lower back pain affects as many as one-third...
A review really does make your day
Any Osteopath will tell you, when you receive a success story from a patient, it really does make you smile. Our job is to help and guide...
Persistent back pain? Read on...
Low back pain is on the increase, and affects as many as 84% of us. Persistent pain for more than 12 weeks can be defined as chronic low...
Would you know if you broke a bone?
Breaking a bone (or 'fracture' if you live in the medical world) can sometimes present very similarly to other soft tissue injuries. As...
Can a modified diet help migraine sufferers?
The British Medical Journal published an editorial by a medical doctor, Rebecca Burch, about the effects of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids on...
Balancing diet helps restore gut health and suppresses skin inflammation
In a review conducted by Henderson, E. (2021), she evaluated the effects of diet on gut and skin health. The increasing prevalence of a...
Conservative treatment for patients with lumbar disc herniation when surgery is advised
Approximately two-thirds of spinal pain diagnoses are lumbar disc herniations, and surgical intervention is on the increase. A recent...
'Hitting the wall' in marathon running
Many have heard about the phenomenon 'hitting the wall' in long distance running, and attribute it to a sudden slowing of pace, usually...
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