Growing pains is a benign, non-inflammatory pain syndrome of childhood, but the condition is self-limiting, and most of the symptoms resolve by adolescence. As a parent, it is useful to know the typical signs and symptoms of growing pains as you child gets older.
# usually pain in both legs
# pain starts between ages 3 and 12 years
# pain typically occurs at the end of the day or during the night
# no limitation of activity nor limping
# typical distribution in the front of the thigh, calf, and muscles behind the knee
# intermittent pain with some pain-free days and nights
# normal physical examination, no evidence of orthopaedic disorders, trauma or infection
# normal blood tests and scans
# pain for at least three months
# no associated lack of well-being
It is always worth getting childhood pains assessed by a qualified health care practitioner to ensure there are no underlying causes to their symptoms.
Liao, CY. et al. (2022). Clinical, laboratory characteristics and growth outcomes of children with growing pains. Scientific Reports. 12: 14835.