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The top 3 running injuries to look out for

Running is a widely embraced activity that contributes to physical fitness, cardiovascular health, and stress reduction. Nonetheless, the repetitive nature of running can lead to a range of injuries, some of which are particularly prevalent. In this article, we focus on three of the most common running injuries: Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS), Achilles Tendinopathy, and Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS). Understanding the intricacies of these injuries is crucial for prevention, diagnosis, and effective management.

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS)

Aetiology: PFPS, also known as runner's knee, is characterised by anterior knee pain, often occurring due to malalignment, muscle imbalances, and overuse.

Clinical Presentation: Runners with PFPS typically experience pain around or behind the patella, especially during activities involving knee flexion, such as running, squatting, or descending stairs. Pain may be aggravated by prolonged sitting.

Diagnosis and Management: Diagnosis of PFPS involves a comprehensive assessment, including clinical history and physical examination. Management strategies encompass:

# Rest and Activity Modification: Temporarily reducing or altering running activities.

# Physical Therapy: Targeted exercises to strengthen quadriceps and hip muscles and improve biomechanics.

# Orthotics and Footwear: Consideration of supportive footwear and orthotic devices.

# Pain Management: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) as prescribed.

# Patellar Taping: To provide support and alleviate pain during activity.

Achilles Tendinopathy

Aetiology: Achilles Tendinopathy results from repetitive microtrauma to the Achilles tendon, often caused by overuse, poor biomechanics, or insufficient recovery.

Clinical Presentation: Runners with Achilles Tendinopathy experience pain and stiffness in the Achilles tendon, typically localised above the heel. Pain is usually exacerbated during running and may lead to morning stiffness.

Diagnosis and Management: Diagnosis involves a clinical assessment and imaging, such as ultrasound or MRI. Management strategies include limiting or adjusting running to facilitate tendon healing.

# Eccentric Strengthening: Supervised exercises to strengthen the calf muscles.

# Stretching: Gentle stretching to improve tendon flexibility.

# Footwear Evaluation: Ensuring appropriate running shoes.

# Cryotherapy: Cold therapy to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain.

# Orthotic Devices: Supportive orthotics to reduce stress on the Achilles tendon.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS)

Aetiology: ITBS occurs due to the iliotibial band compressing and inflaming a fat pad on the lateral femoral condyle. Factors contributing to ITBS include overtraining, running on uneven surfaces, and biomechanical abnormalities.

Clinical Presentation: Runners with ITBS experience pain on the outside of the knee, which typically worsens during running and descends hills. The pain may also be accompanied by a snapping sensation.

Diagnosis and Management: Diagnosis involves clinical evaluation and may include imaging. Management includes:

# Rest and Activity Modification: Adjusting running intensity and terrain.

# Stretching and Foam Rolling: To alleviate tightness in the iliotibial band and associated muscles.

# Strengthening Exercises: Targeting hip abductors and gluteal muscles.

# Footwear and Gait Analysis: Ensuring appropriate shoes and analysing running mechanics.

# Anti-Inflammatory Measures: NSAIDs as prescribed.

# Corticosteroid Injections: In severe cases under medical supervision.

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, Achilles Tendinopathy, and Iliotibial Band Syndrome are prevalent running injuries that can significantly impact a runner's performance and overall well-being. Early recognition, proper diagnosis, and evidence-based management strategies are vital to ensure a swift and effective recovery. Runners should seek guidance from healthcare professionals and consider preventive measures to reduce the risk of these injuries, allowing them to continue enjoying the benefits of running safely.

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